Which Weather Condition Is Favourable For Painting?

When you are deciding to work on the exterior part of the house, it is important to check the weather conditions. As painting of the outer side of the house also counts. A suitable weather condition is necessary to paint outside because paints are wet and do not get dried easily. Although it is not at all good to paint outside when the weather seems gloomy and windy.
Thus, to know the perfect weather condition you must read the following. As it can help you to choose a proper durable and painless method.
What Are The Different Effects Of Different Weather Conditions?
Every weather conditions have their own unique effects. So it is safe to choose the best weather condition for any outside activity, especially painting activities. Hence, here are a list of effects on painting in different weather conditions:
- Direct Sunlight –It is very evident to choose a well experienced contractor as they have better knowledge about weather effects. As everything depends on the method of painting. In direct sunlight, your outside walls and exterior parts will dry faster if painted with high quality of paints.
- Slow Wind –External paints can be done in a windy day as you experience the best way of drying. The waters get evaporated within hours and you do not experience any kind of worries.
- Humid Temperature – Hot and humid weather condition is also suitable for painting. The liquid suspension of the paint dries faster as it is the perfect formulation. The water solvent is already their in the paint. Hence, due to high humidity the paint gets an open area to evaporate as water vapour. The high concentration of moisture can long period of time to get dried.
- Rain – This is the most vulnerable weather condition as there is high chances of risk. The paint might wash-out. And after doing such hard task everything becomes a waste. The contractor will experience loss as there is waste of time, material as well as money.
- Low Temperatures –The countries such as UK mostly experience cold weather and due to high relative humid temperature the paints can get affected. You must use good quality paints to make your place more colourful.
- Dew Point – The moisture destroys paint. Both water as well as solvent based paints gets affected due to moisture. So it is necessary to choose ideal weather conditions.
Ideal Weather Conditions For Painting
The most efficient way to take proper decisions is to make ideal choice for weather conditions. Here are some points which you must consider before painting :
- Air temperature should be between 12°C-35°C.
- The weather conditions should be cloudy but overcasting.
- No rain should be experienced while painting and at the time of drying.
- The maximum humidity level should be 80%.
- The substrate level should be minimum 3°C. Above the normal dew point.
Therefore, You must choose your timings wisely. If you are recommending any professional or a contractor. Then they must have good knowledge about making planning according to the weather conditions. The most preferable weather is dry and windy summers.