When You Need to Replace Your Furnace?

Buying a furnace is a great investment. Depending on the kind of furnace and efficiency level, expect it to range from $2,500 to $5,600.
Knowing the key factors will help decide when it would be best to invest in a more efficient new furnace. Some of these factors may include the following:
You Deal with Furnace Repairs Frequently
It gets chilly, so you decide to turn on the thermostat. Your furnace starts cycling, but nothing happens. This may not seem like a big issue if that happens during winter. However, when the unit starts malfunctioning more frequently, it economically makes sense to have your furnace replaced.
It will cost less to repair your furnace than to invest in a new one. Well, furnace repair Calgary costs can be a few hundred dollars, whereas replacement bills can cost thousands of dollars. But if you start to fix the equipment every year, you will realize that you spend more on the old unit.
You Have an Old Furnace
On average, a furnace unit is designed to work between 15 and 30 years. The simplest way to improve a furnace’s life cycle is to enlist the services of a professional technician to perform repairs and maintenance once per year.
But it is advisable to start looking for a replacement after years of using a furnace. An old furnace’s lifespan also depends on the kind of fuel it uses to heat a home.
Most homeowners opt to install new electric furnaces rather than repair their old gas units since they boast an average lifespan of between 20 and 30 years. However, gas furnaces are engineered with a range of 15 to 20 years.
Increased Energy Costs
Increasing energy costs aren’t the only reason for high bills. Usually, furnaces lose efficiency as they age, especially when you haven’t maintained them properly.
Because of that, your natural gas or oil furnace can run longer to give the same heat amount. This can make the energy bills increase. Plus, the amount of money you will spend on the energy utility firms each month can help in paying for a more energy-efficient and newer furnace.
Start comparing the costs of the recent heating bills with energy costs from previous years. If the difference is significant, then you need to replace your unit.
Uneven Heating
Uneven heating often means an issue with the duct, such as blockages or leaks. Your technician can know where the problem is. Problems with the duct are more difficult to locate because they affect the whole system, but an inspection will be enough to know where there is an issue.
If you notice either of these signs from your unit, it would be best to talk to a technician so you can discuss the replacement options. This way, you will have an efficient unit during winter and keep your entire family safe.