Top Tips for Protecting Your Home Against Cracks & Leaks

As a homeowner, wear and tear is inevitable and you might even start to feel as though the DIY repair jobs are never-ending. When it comes to something like a crack or a leak, if you don’t get it fixed as soon as possible, it could result in costly cracked foundation repair st charles mo later down the line. In fact, there are a few things you can do to prevent cracks and leaks in the first place. Here are some tips from a geotechnical engineering company…
Look for Areas of Moisture or Mould
If you have flaking paint or black, speckled marks on your walls, ceilings, skirting boards, or sills, you could have a leak. It’s good to proactively look out for these types of signs so you can catch it early and prevent the problem from become more serious.
Check the Roof & Gutters
You may not think to check your roof and guttering, but doing so could help prevent cracks, leaks, and other problems. So, set yourself regular reminders to inspect your property. If there are any damaged or missing roof tiles, you will need to get them replaced as soon as possible. Likewise, you should inspect your gutters for any blockages or damage. If your gutters aren’t doing their job properly, rainwater could potentially spill over onto the walls of your home.
Monitor the Soil Condition
If soil becomes too dry or too moist, it can affect the foundations of your home, which can then cause problems in the property above ground. For instance, if soil becomes too dry, it can shrink and cause the foundations to shift. Likewise, if it becomes too moist, it expands and puts too much pressure on the foundations. So, be sure to water the ground around your home during hotter weather, and make sure your drainage system is doing a good enough job during winter when it rains a lot.