Getting Interior Design Consultancy: Here’s What To Expect

While it is true that there is no place like home, renovating and decorating a home is easier said than done. The internet may have several HDB or condo interior design materials a household owner can rely on, but putting all the knowledge they have learned into practice can be challenging. In most cases, an expectation vs reality scenario might happen.
Consider getting interior design consultancy services. That way, you can prevent unnecessary interior design ideas or decorations that you may not need in your home. If you are unfamiliar with interior design consultancy services, let us explain them first.
Part I: What Are Interior Design Consultancy Services?
Interior design consultancy services refer to working with an interior designer and asking them how you remodel, renovate, and decorate a space.
Even though having a conversation with an interior designer might seem useless, you should know that a piece of advice can go a long way. Since they have more interior design knowledge and experience, they know better how to make your dream home come to life.
Whether or not you will hire his team for condo renovation in Singapore, your home can be like no other as long as you follow the interior design presentation they have shown you.
If that got you interested and get interior design consultancy services anytime soon, here are the things you can expect.
Part II: 4 Things You Should Expect To Happen When Getting An Interior Design Consultancy
Once you have narrowed down your options and found an interior design company that offers consultancy, consider reaching out to them and booking an appointment. Scheduling an arrangement ahead of them will give you an edge over those who will walk into their firm.
Nevertheless, below are the things that can happen when you get interior design consultant services.
- Initial Showroom Visit
On the day of your interior design consultancy appointment, a staff member will welcome you inside and ask you to sit on the interior designer’s workstation or the interior design firm’s showroom floor.
Either way, the interior designer will show you the types of interior design that they can do so you can visualise and explain to them what you want to happen to your home.
- Q & A Session
After showing you around, the interior designer will give you time to ask interior design-related questions. Answering your questions is one of the things that most interior designers will do during an interior design consultancy.
If you believe in some interior design myths, you can expect them to debunk them and explain to you the reality of interior design so you can renovate and decorate your home better.
Here are some of the questions that you might want to ask:
- How long will a condo renovation take?
- How to cut down renovation costs?
- What is the simplest and timeless way to renovate a space?
- Home Visit
The next thing that will happen when you get an interior design consultancy in Singapore is the interior designer will visit your home. Since words are not enough to visualise your home’s actual condition and appearance, they need to come and check everything in person.
If you are not ready for a home visit on the day of your interior design consultancy appointment, you can ask them to come some other day. Ensure that when that time comes, your home has been cleaned, and you have taken your pets and children somewhere else. Otherwise, they might pester the interior designer who will check your home interior design.
- Design Presentation
When the home visit ends, the interior designer will leave and go to their office. They will brainstorm how to incorporate the interior design ideas you shared with them during your initial interior design consultancy.
Remember that creating a design presentation depends on how big or small your home is and the part you want to renovate or decorate. On average, however, it will take a day or two. But if two days have passed and they have not contacted you yet, you may send a follow-up email asking them about the process of the design presentation they are creating.
Part III: How To Choose The Right Interior Design Company To Get A Consultancy?
Singapore may not be as big as its neighbouring countries, but if you look around each corner, you will be in awe of the beauty of the interior design of every building and establishment.
Considering that, it is not surprising it can be challenging to find the right interior design company to get a consultancy with many outstanding professionals in the interior design industry.
Here are the factors to take note of when choosing the right one.
- Years of Experience
The more years of experience they have, the better. That only means they have built several establishments in the past that withstand time.
- Good Reputation
Reading customer reviews will give you ideas if your preferred interior design that offers consultancy has a good reputation. The more positive reviews they have, means they have good customer service.
- Work Portfolio
Even though tradition matters, you should look for a company that innovates. After all, your future self and generations are the ones who will use and live in your home.
Looking at their work portfolio will allow you to determine whether or not they include innovation in their interior design.
Conclusion: Renovate And Decorate Your Home With An Expert!
When you work with an expert, your place will look more aesthetically pleasing, whether renovating and decorating a 3-bedroom condo interior design in Singapore or just a kitchen. You will be more pleased to come home as soon as your working hour ends.
Contact M2 Decor at +65 6269 0828 or leave a message on their website if you are interested in getting interior design consultancy for your home in Singapore.